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Blink and you miss it!

I think the next couple of days are going to be one of those times in the spring when it seems like you’ve blinked, and everything has changed. The warm sun following the rainy days we’ve had is going to make stuff pop like gangbusters I think! We’ve already seen more flowers in bloom like the Long-spur violet and Twin leaf. The Crab apple on the terrace is ready to go, and it will be beautiful. We’ve got Wildflower walks this weekend – on both days – and you can check the calendar at the bottom of this page for more details.

I wanted to go ahead and put up a list of birds we’ve seen/heard so far. Here it is:
Barred owl
Red-shouldered hawk
Ruby crowned kinglet
Winter wren
Yellow-rumped warbler
Wood thrush
Wood ducks
Red-breasted nuthatch
Pine sisken
Pine warbler
White-throated sparrow
Red-eyed vireo
and all the other “normal” birds like cardinals, titmice, chickadees, towhees, etc.

I have no doubt that after this weekend, we’ll have more to add to the list!

One last note about the Barred owls. If you come out, there is a good chance of seeing or hearing them. They have been consistently seen and heard in the Shelter trail area of the preserve. Yesterday, Tom and I had our best look at what was probably the male, and we did not have binoculars!

See you this weekend!

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